Barc is an amazing leader. Looking back on the 5+ years we worked closely together I can honestly say that he made me into a better designer, team member and leader. He is a prodigiously talented analyst of complex service delivery organizations, and a tireless champion of quality and transparency.
Whitney Kimmel
Barc brought big-picture strategic insight to our department based on process and data analysis. He helped our team cut through the workload clutter by giving us greater focus and clear goals so we could excel in our areas of expertise and drive more meaningful results. I looked to him as a coach and mentor.
Matt Zybura
We are extremely pleased with Barc's professionalism and passion. Barc is exceptionally adept at facilitating workshops, conflict resolution and even coaching reports all which were invaluable.
Perry Wang
We have nothing but praise for Barclay. Extremely sharp, direct, with a wicked sense of humor.
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