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How To Look Happy (when you aren’t)

Oct 19, 2020 by Barc Category: People Management 0 comments

All's well that ends well.

Scrum Masters: Take Time Off To Think

Oct 03, 2020 by Barc Category: Agile, Career, Scrum 0 comments

There's more than what's in the two-day class to know.

What the Experts Won’t Tell You (about becoming a consultant)

Oct 03, 2020 by Barc Category: Career, Consulting 0 comments

Figure out what you like doing and who will write the big checks for you to do it.

Scrum Masters: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Oct 03, 2020 by Barc Category: Agile, Management, Scrum 0 comments Tags: scrum master

It bums me out a bit how much scrum masters tend to stick with one methodology – a methodology they learned, usually, at a two-day class. I’ve got nothing against the two-day scrum class. The basics are actually quite good. If used properly, those methodologies will reveal issues a team is having. But a scrum […]

Bring on the Location Manager

May 25, 2020 by Barc Category: Agile Executive, Management 0 comments Tags: location, teams

There are other places to work other than home or the office.

OpEx and CapEx in Agile

A few simple recommendations for managing OpEx and CapEx in Agile.

Working with Procurement in a more Agile way

A few tips on making Procurement part of your Sprint Zero Team

Setting Expectations for Vendor Resources

A few tips to make sure you get the right resources from your vendor for Time & Materials contracts.

The Agile Time and Materials Contract

How to make your Time and Materials (T&M) contracts with your vendors a little bit more Agile.

Telephone Interviewing Tips

Usually, the first interview with a new company is a telephone screen (a 'screener'). It may not even be with the hiring manager or a person you might ultimately work with. This article gives a few tips on how to ace it.