Welcome to Consulting I have been working with Fortune 100 digital departments for over 25 years. I would love to work with you and your teams to help you deliver more innovation and quality faster. Let's Connect Coral Mountain

My Blogs & Vlogs

5 Steps to CLEAR Agile Goal Setting

Jul 23, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Agile Executive, Leadership 0 comments

After determining a company’s quarterly business goals, then the products and services that will support them, executives and managers often don’t take the next step of collaborating with the folks on the ground before considering the goals complete

Inception: Choosing Your Leadership Team

Jul 10, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Agile Executive, Leadership, Scrum 0 comments

Large Agile projects need a dedicated leadership team that has a common vision, yet is collaborative and open to new ideas. This video describes a few attributes of a good leadership team when starting a large agile project.

Do Open Office Designs Miss the Point?

Jul 10, 2016 by Barc Category: Uncategorized 0 comments

I'm beginning to think the trend to ‘modern’ (read ‘exposed ductwork’) open office designs supports executive and architect’s egos more than real creativity and collaboration.

Status Reporting

Jun 01, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Management 0 comments Tags: status reporting

Boy, I wish we could get rid of status reports all together--especially the awful 'red/yellow/green' reports, which are pure fiction. Here's a few recommendations on how to deliver useful status reports to your executives (even if you have to include a color).

Scrum of Scrums Facilitator

May 26, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Management, Scrum, Uncategorized 0 comments

Sometimes, having a facilitator, especially for young teams, makes sense. This video provides a few recommendations for the attributes of a good Scrum of Scrums facilitator.

Scrum of Scrums

May 24, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Leadership, Scrum 0 comments

Scrum of Scrums is a regular meeting where team leads gather to talk and, as much as possible, be open about project challenges, root out dependencies, brainstorm solutions, and make commitments that will move the project forward. This post gives a few suggestions for holding a successful meeting.

Agile Status Reports: Do We Need Them?

I wish we could do away with status reports all together, but we need to make sure our clients and executives know what's going on quickly. Kill the red/yellow/green and go with the facts.

Is Scrum Certification A Good Idea?

Apr 09, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Career, Scrum 0 comments Tags: certification

There's been a lot of debate about whether or not you should get a Scrum Master Certificate. There’s even more debate about which certificate to get.

The Pros:

The best aspect of a generic certification is that there is at least some evidence that the person who has the certification has heard the basics of the craft. As an employer, you can’t always test each applicant for basic knowledge. The notation of a certification on your resume can speed things up.

Of course, if the practice is complex--like brain surgery--you want to make sure your applicant knows more than the basics, so rigorous certification and licensing processes are needed. 


One of the positives about Scrum certification, versus, say getting a license to practice medicine, is the certification is not very expensive. You can get an online certification for a few hundred bucks, or attend an in-person class and test for about $1,200.

The Frog Prince

Apr 07, 2016 by Barc Category: Leadership, Management 0 comments Tags: Disney, Leadership

The news of Tom Staggs’ resignation from Disney after 26 years at the company came as a shock, at least to me.

 No official statement explaining his departure has yet been released, but in less than 24 hours, there’s plenty of speculation, including cost overruns at Shanghai Disneyland, fears ‘he’s not creative enough’, and Staggs’ own impatience at 5 years of CEO vetting by the Disney board.

 Everyone is suddenly trying to figure out if this guy was a prince or a frog.

 My experience says he was both.

One Standup Approach

Mar 04, 2016 by Barc Category: Agile, Scrum 0 comments

Everybody does Agile standups a little differently. I recommend you: 1) actually standup, 2) do them in person if possible, and 3) record due dates. Not exactly by the book, but it works